I'm in love.
At first I was sitting quietly reading my book. I wasn't bothering anyone. I didn't want anyone to bother me. It was time for a follow-up appointment with my doctor so there I was, with my book, and then the outer doors flew open as only it happens in the movies.
It was like this ----- WHOOSH!
It's quiet
I'm reading
The doors fly open, curiosity wins out and I find my eyes peering over the top of my book ---- and there he is.
"Here I am!" he says to anyone who will listen. He makes a mad dash to the receptionists desk and greets her with "Did you miss me? I'm back!"
About thirty seconds later a woman enters the room. She is lovely - young - looks a bit frazzled - I suspect she is attached to him.
About that time I hear the receptionist saying "Max! Of course I missed you! I'm so glad you are here!"
While his mom checks him in Max works the room: "HI! I'm Max"
He skipped over my way. "HI! I'm Max"
"Hi Max! I'm Debra"
"I like you, Debra. Will you be my new best friend?"
"I would like that, Max! Will you be MY new best friend?"
He thinks that's hilarious. "Well it only makes sense if you are my new best friend then I'm your new best friend too!" I told him he had a good point.
Max's mom came my way with a tired smile to greet me. "I see you've met Max." I confessed to her I had and I was in love. She told me I was not the first to fall under Max's spell.
Max is 8-years-old. He has these wonderful dimples that frame his smile beautifully. His head is full of blonde waves that spill over his bright green eyes.
Tears filled my eyes as she told me their story: she and Max. I told her how sorry I was but she assured me it is better just the two of them. Max decided to get in on the conversation (he had been off greeting others in the room). He told me not to be sad, as I wiped a tear falling down my cheek. I told him I was sorry -- that my heart was a little sad.
"You been sad more than, uh, two days?"
I nodded that I had and he was emphatic I smile the biggest smile I could possibly smile.
"Go on! You gotta do it! You gotta smile the sad away. If you don' you be stuck and you don' gotta stay stuck!"
I smiled the biggest smile I had smiled in a long time and with that I got the biggest and bestest hug ever. Max victoriously declared me "un-stuck". It's amazing the healing powers in a smile and a hug.
I was sad when I heard my name called. That meant my time with Max was over. Didn't phase him one bit because - seeing as how we are now best friends -- Max assured me we will meet again.
I sure hope so.
Here's to hoping for you today that you meet a Max who encourages you to smile the sad away so you "don' gotta stay stuck" in whatever it is you are stuck in.
Jesus with skin on -- that's what I call people like Max. Jesus with skin on. His sweet soul won't allow him to have negative preconceived ideas about others.
And as you go in to your day, why not smile the biggest smile you've ever received. You never know, Max might come up to you encouraging you to do so because "you don' gotta stay stuck" in the stuck place you are in.
Still enjoying the journey,
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.
-- Proverbs 3:5-6 --
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