We all need someone to hold on to. We need to feel attached. Even when we want or need to be alone we want to know there is someone out there cheering us on. We need to know there is someone out there who accepts us like no one else can. We need someone who always, always loves us and keeps us close in their heart -- no matter what.
That Someone is there for us all ...
As I watched the scene on the ferry unfold yesterday two things came to mind:
1) A song that is recognizable world-wide: Lean On Me by Bill Withers
Even if you don't know the verses, everyone knows the chorus:
Lean on me, when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on
It has never failed. In all my years of being involved in music ministry this is the song that knits us together. By the end of the chorus everyone is gathered in a circle and swaying to the time as they sing with gusto.
2) Which takes me to the other thing that came to mind. Ever heard the expression "Jesus with skin on"?
I've heard it - and experienced it -- numerous times.
There is within us a deep hunger to be loved and welcomed. Just as important - though often denied vehemently -- we all need someone to hold us accountable, to teach us and guide us.
When it's the dark of night, we need to know we are not alone.
When the pain is almost too much to bear, we need a Healer in our midst.
When we fall for the trap of believing everything we hear, we need the One who will teach us the importance of honesty and sticking to that which we know to be True.
We need -- like those children -- someone who will reach out and hold us as well.
My prayer is that whatever phase of life you are in you will know you are not alone. If you feel that way, I get it. I've been there. I have found myself sitting out on the porch, looking up at the night sky and crying and yelling out to God. It was in those dark times that I was reminded of the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit.
God IS good.
God will provide.
God will answer our prayers...
... and sometimes the answer is "no".
I can't imagine living without the sacred presence.
I hope you find that peace as well.
Enjoying the Journey,
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.
- Proverbs 3:5-6 -
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